Why Become a Member
Many might ask........Why become a member of the Salem Chamber?
Chamber 101
Learn about Salem Chamber by reading this PDF file of the CHAMBER 101 Program.
Membership Advantages:
- Aligning yourself with other business people who are working for a better community
- Involving yourself with Chamber activities adding visibility to your business
- Networking and promoting your business at Chamber functions
- Taking part as a volunteer committee member to help develop strong partnerships and a stronger community
- Tackling problems facing your business with the Chamber as your advocate
Membership Benefits:
- Taking advantage of the numerous marketing opportunities offered by the Chamber, (ie: Newsletter ads, website listing, Salem News Chamber Page ads, newsletter inserts, Marketing sponsorships)
- Participating in the Salem Chamber’s Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield discounted health care plan
- Becoming a member of the Salem Area Safety Council program co-sponsored by the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Division of Safety and Hygiene https://info.bwc.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/bwc/about-bwc/safety-and-hygiene
- Save Significantly on Your Workers’ Compensation Premium through the Sedgwick Worker’s Compensation Program.
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For more information on Sedgwick, visit the Sedgwick website.
You can also download the Sedgwick flyer here and the Sedgwick Partner Website Piece 2022. |
The Salem Area Chamber of Commerce is a fundamental hub for Salem and the neighboring region. It was my privilege to serve as President a few years ago. The Chamber fosters an arena for creativity and growth of the community. They offer a wide array of community minded programs and sponsor an equally broad spectrum of events designed to be inclusive of the entire community. As an Ambassador I enjoy welcoming the newcomers to the Chamber. It is always a pleasure to be a part of the ever-evolving progress of the area.
Daniel T. Moore, CPA, D. T. Moore & Company
My family's local manufacturing business has thrived in this community since 1985 and the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce has been a leader of change and education to provide a strong business climate for us to do that. The Chamber has provided many educational opportunities for our company and our workforce. One of the most beneficial has been the Chamber's Safety Council. Through this organization our safety department has been able to stay up to date on the latest safety gear and procedures available to keep all of our employees safe. There have been many other educational seminars that the Chamber has organized to assist in keeping our business successful in all areas of our operation. Most recently we have attended seminars on healthcare legislation, succession planning, marketing, and human resources issues. Finally, our Chamber organizes many community events that many of our local employees enjoy, such as the Grande Parade, fall family events, and the Christmas Light Up Night and parade. My family and our company calls this community home and we have been pleased with the work done by the Chamber and we are proud of our Chamber membership and the many benefits that it provides to our company, our peers, and our great community.
Jock Buta, Executive Vice President, Butech Bliss
After living away from the area for over 20 years I relocated to Salem, Ohio. My brother and I started a business, Visiting Angels, in 2003 and we are based in Salem. I joined the Salem Chamber because I was new to the area and knew very few other business owners. Since then I have participated in several fund raisers and committees and presently I am slated to be President in 2015. Our business is thriving and I truly believe that we would not be enjoying such success if I were not a part of the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce. I have forged so many professional and personal relationships through the Chamber and have no plans to stop actively participating for many years to come.
Susan Frenger, Co-Owner, Visiting Angels
As a member of the Chamber of Commerce since 2006, I've seen many benefits to my business. One overwhelming benefit is how the Chamber has embraced our business. They truly support fellow local business through their different opportunities such as the monthly newsletter, after-hour events, and referring us to local media when necessary. The Chamber touches us through their Beautification Committee, thus another avenue of additional support is given to us. We also have other financial savings through group rates on business services. I'd suggest that those not a member yet should consider joining the Chamber. If they want to make the community know about themselves, and also have support from others, the Chamber wants to see you succeed! They are truly a voice behind your own saying, "You can do it!"
Jennifer Reed, Owner, Natural Solutions
Harrington, Hoppe & Mitchell, Ltd. is proud to be a member of the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce and I am proud to be a Chamber Ambassador. The primary reasons for our involvement include the Chamber's ongoing efforts to aid small businesses and the provision of a venue to connect with other members of the area. The Chamber has provided me the opportunity to develop enduring relationships throughout the community. With a commitment to involvement, the contacts and benefits obtained by a member are immeasurable. We also appreciate the Chamber's energy towards making Salem a better community for all.
Shawna L'Italien, Member, Harrington, Hoppe & Mitchell, Ltd.
We serve as the one of the largest non-profit business organizations in Salem working full time for our community and the surrounding area. The Salem Chamber relies entirely upon membership dues investments and fundraisers. If you are interested in joining the Salem Chamber, please call us @ 330-337-3473, e-mail us at [email protected] or [email protected], or simply access an application under the “Forms and Application” section.
Chamber Sponsor Photos: